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Don't Ignore These Crucial WordPress Website Maintenance Tasks

 When it comes to running a successful website, regular maintenance is key. And for WordPress websites, this is especially important. With constantly evolving technology and updates, neglecting maintenance tasks can lead to a whole host of issues that can harm your website's performance and security. 

To help you stay on top of things, our experts at Reliqus Consulting have compiled a list of crucial WordPress website maintenance tasks that you should never ignore. 

From security updates to content optimization, these tasks are essential for keeping your WordPress website running smoothly and effectively.

1. Regularly Update Your WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins

One of the most crucial WordPress website maintenance tasks is ensuring your site's core software, themes, and plugins are always up to date. These updates not only introduce new features but also fix bugs and close security vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit. 

Ignoring these updates can leave your website exposed to potential security breaches and compatibility issues. It’s advisable to check for updates weekly and implement them during low-traffic periods to minimize disruptions. 

2. Perform Daily Backups and Establish a Backup Schedule

Backing up your WordPress website daily is essential for protecting your data against unforeseen issues like hacking, data corruption, or accidental deletions. Establishing a consistent backup schedule ensures that you always have a recent version of your site to restore if needed. 

Utilize automated backup solutions offered by many hosting services or WordPress backup plugins to simplify this process. By keeping regular backups, you safeguard your website's content, settings, and design, ensuring minimal downtime in case of emergencies.

3. Optimize Your Website’s Loading Speed

A swift loading website enhances user experience and boosts your SEO ranking. To optimize your WordPress website's speed, start by compressing images before uploading them, as large files can significantly slow down your website. 

Utilize caching plugins to reduce server load and speed up page delivery. Minimize the use of heavy themes and plugins that can drag down performance. 

Regularly review your website's speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and implement their recommendations for improvements. Keeping your website's loading time minimal is crucial for retaining visitors and ensuring a smooth browsing experience.

4. Strengthen Your Website's Security Measures

To fortify your WordPress website against threats, start by installing reputable security plugins that monitor for malware and block attempted hacks. Regularly changing passwords and using strong, unique combinations for each account can significantly enhance your site's defenses. 

Enable two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security on user accounts, especially for administrators. Additionally, ensure your hosting service provides SSL certificates to encrypt data transfers, protecting sensitive information from being intercepted. 

Always stay informed about the latest security threats and proactive measures to combat them; a vigilant stance is your best defense against evolving cyber risks.

5. Clean Up Your WordPress Database Regularly

A cluttered database can significantly slow down your WordPress website. Over time, your database accumulates unnecessary data such as post revisions, trashed comments, and unused tags, which can affect your website's performance. 

Regularly cleaning your WordPress database helps in removing this bloat, improving efficiency, and speeding up query times. There are plugins available that can automate this process, making it easier to maintain a lean and efficient database. 

Scheduling monthly database cleanups is a good practice to ensure your site remains fast and responsive, providing a better experience for your visitors.

6. Check and Fix Broken Links Periodically

Regularly checking and fixing broken links on your WordPress website is crucial for providing a seamless user experience and maintaining your SEO ranking. Broken links can frustrate visitors and lead search engines to downgrade your site. 

Use tools like Broken Link Checker or online services to identify and repair broken or dead links. Implementing these checks as part of your monthly maintenance routine can prevent navigation issues, enhance user engagement, and support your site's overall health and performance.


Maintaining a WordPress website is an ongoing commitment that ensures your site's security, performance, and user satisfaction. By prioritizing the tasks outlined by Reliqus Consulting experts, such as regular updates, backups, speed optimization, security enhancements, database cleanup, and fixing broken links, you set a strong foundation for your website's success. 

Remember, consistent maintenance is the key to preventing major issues down the line. To dive deeper into WordPress website maintenance tasks and gain more detailed insights, we invite you to read our full blog

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