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Securing and Hardening Your WordPress Website: An Essential Guide

Imagine you're a hacker aiming to hijack reputable websites for a phishing scam. How would you target for maximum impact? 

One option would be exploiting a single vulnerability affecting thousands of sites, swiftly creating digital carnage. Are you seeing why hardening WordPress is essential? WordPress is a prime target for hackers as the most used CMS on the web. 

But there's something you can do about it. Read on for our guide to securing and hardening your WordPress website.

Why Do Bad Hacks Happen to Good Websites?

Contrary to common belief, WordPress core software is secure. However, nasty hacks occur due to other vulnerabilities, usually targeting weak passwords, poorly coded plugins, lax file permissions, and outdated sites. 

Fortunately, ensuring your WordPress site's security isn't a herculean task. By implementing the eight simple steps suggested by Reliqus Consulting in this guide, you can place your website at the far upper end of the security bell curve, drastically reducing its risk of being compromised.

Keep Your WordPress Installation Updated

Staying updated with the latest WordPress version is crucial for your website's security. WordPress updates often include patches for vulnerabilities, ensuring your site remains protected against known threats. 

Likewise, remember to update your themes and plugins regularly, as they can become security risks if left outdated. Automating your updates can be a helpful tool to ensure you get all the critical security patches.

Choose a Secure Hosting Provider

Choosing a secure hosting provider is essential in hardening your WordPress website. Look for providers prioritising security, offering features such as SSL certificates, automatic backups, malware scanning, and DDoS protection. 

A provider's reputation and customer reviews can also highlight their commitment to security. Remember, your hosting provider is your first defence against cyber threats.

Implement Strong User Credentials

Strengthening user credentials is a vital step in hardening your WordPress website. Implement robust, unique passwords and avoid common or easy-to-guess phrases. Use a password manager to create and store complex passwords, reducing the risk of brute force attacks.


Also, enforce two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security. Remember, each user account is a potential entry point for hackers, so ensure all users maintain strong credentials.

Limit Login Attempts

Limiting login attempts is an effective way to discourage brute-force attacks. WordPress allows unlimited login attempts by default, making it easier for hackers to guess your password. 

Several plugins will enable you to limit login attempts and even temporarily lock out IP addresses after a certain number of failed attempts. It's a simple yet powerful step in securing and hardening your WordPress website.

Implement a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Incorporating a Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a practical step in bolstering your website's security. WAFs inspect incoming traffic and block suspicious activities, defending against threats like SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other common types of cyber attacks. 

There are numerous WAF plugins available for WordPress; choose one that suits your needs and budget. Remember, a WAF acts as a proactive shield, stopping threats before they reach your website.

Regularly Backup Your Website

Regularly backing up your website is an essential safety net for your WordPress site. In a cyber-attack or data loss, a recent backup allows you to restore your site quickly and efficiently. 

Consider using a plugin that automates this process, ensuring that backups are created regularly. Remember to store these backups in a secure, off-site location to prevent them from being compromised.

Harden Your WordPress Configuration File

Your WordPress configuration file (wp-config.php) contains sensitive information, making it a target for hackers. Harden this file by changing the database table prefix to a less predictable value. 

You can also move the configuration file to a non-public folder or set specific permissions to restrict access. These measures will help deter malicious activities and contribute to securing and hardening your WordPress website.

Scan Your Website for Malware Regularly

Regular malware scanning is a crucial part of maintaining a secure WordPress website. Use reputable security plugins that detect and remove malware, suspicious links, and other threats. 

Automating this process ensures that scans are performed regularly, keeping your site clean and safe from malicious activities. Remember, early detection is critical in mitigating the damage caused by malware infections.


Taking the steps to secure and harden your WordPress website is vital in today's digital age. Although these measures may seem tedious, they are essential for the safety of your site and its users. Regular updates, strong credentials, secure hosting, and consistent backups are a few ways to protect your site. Remember, the effort put into securing and hardening your WordPress website today will save you from the potential cost and stress of a cyber attack in the future.

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