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Hacked WordPress Website? 7 Quick & Easy Tips To Fix


Dealing with a hacked WordPress website can be daunting. Here are seven crucial steps to help you recover and secure your site, with an option for professional help from Reliqus Consulting for a hassle-free solution.

Tip 1. Identify the Hack

- Recognize signs like loss of admin access, redirects, and illegitimate links.

- Change passwords immediately to prevent further unauthorized access.

Tip 2. Check with your Hosting Company

- Report the hack and discuss vulnerabilities.

- Utilize their expertise, especially if you're on shared hosting.

Tip 3. Restore from Backup

- Ideal if you have a recent, clean backup.

- Be aware of potential data loss since the last backup.

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Tip 4. Malware Scanning and Removal

- Delete inactive themes and plugins.

- Use plugins like Sucuri and TAC for scanning and removal.

Tip 5. Check User Permissions

- Limit admin access to trusted users.

- Delete suspicious accounts.

Tip 6. Change Your Secret Keys

- Adds an extra security layer.

- Forces all users to log in again.

Tip 7. Change Your Passwords AGAIN

- Ensure passwords are strong and unique.

- Update passwords across all platforms associated with your site.

For a more in-depth knowledge on each of these tips, read our full blog.

Signs Your WordPress Website Is Hacked

- Inability to log in.

- Unrecognized site changes or content.

- Unexpected redirects.

- Browser warnings.

- Google search warnings.

Hardening Your WordPress Website

- Implement a firewall and monitoring.

- Opt for managed WordPress hosting.

- Disable theme and plugin editors.

- Limit login attempts.

- Password protect admin directory.

- Disable PHP execution in unnecessary directories.

- Keep everything updated.


Maintaining website security is essential. If challenges persist, professional assistance or contacting your hosting provider can offer further support. Reliqus Consulting is available to help recover and protect your WordPress site, ensuring your online presence is secure.

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